This info-graphic titled ‘How to choose Best Primers and Sealers for Exterior Applications’ provides us an overview of picking up appropriate sealers and primers.When planning to go for a paint project, choosing the right color is certainly a critical decision, but setting up the surface properly is equally important to a flawless finish. Interior walls, cabinetry, wood furniture, metallic tops and surfaces, and exterior areas all look better when you have a solid foundation before you begin adding color. For most paint jobs, you should prime or seal the surface first to create a smooth-textured base for paint.
Primers and sealers provide an extra measure of self-assurance that the paint you use will adhere to its surface. In effect, primers and sealants are preparatory products that give the surface tooth that the paint can grip. There are entire aisles devoted to primer paints and sealers at home-improvement stores, which can make selecting the correct product for your project tricky. To figure out what you're looking for, check out our handy guide to paint primers and sealers that will help you get the job done accurate the first time. For more information, please refer to the info-graphic below.